Poems are arranged by the Four Seasons, covering nature, observations and events.
Life and Times are about love, joy, pain,
Thank you for reading.
Winter Boy
Stupid spring smells
he griped and moaned
dumb chirping birds
his adolescent voice cracked
Doesn’t anybody care it’s February?
I smelled a barbeque this afternoon
some people are sick
and off he went
to sharpen those blades
for when
Winter Poem
I am the Duchess of layering,
a wizardess of wool.
embracing winter with gusto
Though I long for mittens to type
I tire quickly of the moaning
the whining and the gripe
Bring it on! I say
Though even nighttime tunneling
cannot prevent cold hair
I will not lean to despair
published Chronogram, Feb. 2018
Getting Ready for Winter
You’ve got the gloves
the hat
the inside scarf
the outside scarf
the warm boots
heavy socks inside
You’ve got the tights
under the skirt
the T- shrt
under the shirt
the shirt under the sweater
You’ve got the chap stick
the walking stick
the moisturizer
the tissues
the miss you’s
You’ve got the extra beans
lots of rice
chicken in the freezer
the potatoes
and oatmeal
and bread
Hot chocolate mix
stuff to make cookies
You’ve got the extra blankets
afghan in the car
flashlight by the door
throw rugs on the floor
rock salt ready to pour
You’ve got the Vitamin C
You’re ready.
borrowed from a vagabond
in a down jacket
greyed with winter
and cigarette smoke
of poetry recited in parked cars
and library steps
graceful bony fingers painting images
of newfoundland
and chairs on pulleys
and the stark landscape
crackling brown eyes
pleading for something
unknown to me
borrowed from a vagabond
of a used-to-be blue jacket
emitting feathers
like newborn chicks
of a laugh that stabs at trees
in lacy white coats
voice like gravel in the night
Dostoevsky entwined in his meanderings
Kafka overseeing a frugal life
made rich with forays into rooms
of willing women who listen to
poetry recited
as he crushes their resolve
Joy to the first powdery soft
lumpy, clumpy
billowy, willowy,
no cars cruisin’,
toes a froozin’
no work, forced to stay in,
time for playin’
time for layin’ around,
stretched before me,
Joy to the first powdery soft
lazy day of snowstorm
Handsome Benny
Benny my Bluebird
visits each morning
his brilliant blue like a miniature flag
resting on the bare April branch
Benny sits on the deck railing
looks left, then right
a diminutive blue royalty
with a striking orange chest,
flitters to the ground
searching for food
to bring back to his mate.
How Many Signs of Spring are Found on a May Day?
A mammoth ant appears from nowhere,
marches across the white counter
to commandeer my crumbs
I swipe him away; he hits the floor,
takes his mission elsewhere
I crank open windows
stretching and breaking
accumulated winter cobwebs.
Chimes tickle the air
Birdsong trills from the trees
The sweet scent of viburnum rolls around the corner
on a gentle breeze, drifts into the kitchen,
thick and spicy, compelling
I follow the scent like a teenaged girl after a musky scented male in a crowded school hallway
I grow saddened by the daffodils
as they fade and nod,
like former beauty queens
reluctant to hand over the garden crown
to the enticingly perfumed lilacs
Lilies of the Valley push hither and yon;
the circle so carefully planted last year
now resembles a hastily scattered display
as they prepare to unfurl
sweet scented tiny white bell clusters
The placid pond wears a lime blush
from eager trees
while the bright blue face
of the May sky
weaves a blue and green liquid tapestry.
A pair of geese rest statue-like
underneath the Japanese maple,
like a comfortable old couple
bench sitting in a park.
When will the green come?
to sooth winter weary eyes the lone robin waits patiently
as morning nods its song
lime green spreads slowly across
maples, oaks, birches.
laughing lemon drops
spreading across green landscape
dandelions tease (published in Chronogram, May 2019)
I Like
published Chronogram April 2020
I like my toast light,
my coffee dark,
my men well mannered
I like my sunsets pink and orange
my clouds fluffy,
men who can still dream
I dream of beaches
canyons, puppies,
ribbons, glitter
loving hands
July seeps
into my pores
like love from a baby’s eyes
a lonely wood duck dips and sputters in the pond
her brown feathers melding
in water muddy from last night’s downpour.
my nose twitches with the faint, watery smell
replicating a long ago memory
Low tide in a swampy area,
Miller Place, Long Island, 1950’s
my bare feet in low tide between tall reeds,
smell rising up to me
the tanned boy calling
C’mon, c’mon.
my feet squish down into the mud
Feel around, feel around,
he calls from his stance yards away
When you feel a shell, grab it with your toes,
pick it up, drop it in the bucket
my toes inch along, flexing, feeling,
anxious to be successful
at this new boyish pastime
imagining my mother’s glee
when I bring home
a hard wrought bucket of clams
I see her leaning over the big blue sink
scrubbing the shells,
using the special knife to pry one open
squeezing the lemon over the pinkish membrane,
tilting her head back
sucking out the rubbery mass from the shell
Plums are Summer
Plums are a screened porch
On a rainy day
The musty smell of old cushions on a sagging divan
faint mist of cool rain easing through the screens
Lazy July days of rummy, Sorry!, Monopoly, Masquerade Party
Plums are hammock swinging under the birch trees
Faded shorts on straight skinny legs
Plums are sour skin breaking thru to
dark red pulpy inside
Juice dripping down the hand
Plums are savoring the pit till all pulp is sucked off
Chewing on it till you forget what it was
Plums are summer
June Morning at Calamar
And the green is of trees and leaves
and grass and weeds
and yellow undersides that tease
Whispering its softly, lulling breeze
And the lilt and chirp and Mozart songs
of birds who soar
And swoop in blue and white and black and yellow
Cruising red in wise symphonic splendor
And the grey smooth slate of chunky ends
And rust embedded corners lying next to next
And end to end, on bottom, on top
Curving, sliding, arranged in studied disarray
And the two foot weed so dark
And fuzzy, droopy one leaf wonder nodding
And swaying, proudly defying, pushing forth
Saggy, upside down purple, covert blossoms
And the worn out table staid and square
And stolidly sitting in wood-like wonder
And reposing in vague uneasiness
Scarred tribute waning, fading in relief
And the Jessie dog lies panting, panting
And pink tongue hanging, hoping
And shade insufficient under boat dog house
Wishing for cool, wood warped table shade
And the woodpecker rat-a-tat-tats
and drums and bangs and hammers his native beat
And bores in undisguised tenacity
Slamming the house in drilling, pounding holes
And the black taut fly of green iridescent cape
And spinning, buzzing, racing intentions
And droning, circling, suggesting, landing,
Hoping for skin and sweat, not swat
And the cottage quaint and faintly smoky
And sleepy cool and green alone there
Alive with moist and showy ferns
Winding cobbled path tiptoeing to forgotten door
And the sting of friendless words
And the memory of laughless conversation
And the wonder of nature’s backyard comfort
Soothing, smoothing wrinkled emotions
October Moves
Give Away Day
Equal amounts of leaves on trees
as on the ground
brilliant above
withered below
crunchy scattering underfoot,
a parched smell hoovers the air
folks rub their hands together
with expectation in the
early morning chill.
Give away day at the library
Bibliophiles eager, quiet, purposeful
The ringing of a cell phone draws frowns
and disapproving glances
This old barn is the anti-technology
An empty coffee can
sits on a rickety card table
outside the barn door
Donations accepted
several other handmade signs
tacked up inside the barn
printed in shades of dried out markers
formerly stuffed boxes
lie empty on the tables
Still the book seekers search busily,
like squirrels foraging for nuts
soiled canvas bags bursting at their feet
Winters coming
Books will be needed.
Mid October sees windows
snap their mouths shut
against the chill air
Bird chatter is hushed in a
church like whisper
Wind chimes,
like admonished children,
are seen but not heard
Socks urgently rush
duty bound, from drawers
plates clatter with cold from the cabinets
the oatmeal box marches confidently
to the forefront
Without struggle
the house adapts this quietude
then quickly switches
to the clatter of logs
dropping to the basement floor
furnace rocks and rumbles
The dehumidifier nods to duty well done
Until next year
Autumn Drops it's Veil
The house next door comes into view
from the upstairs bathroom window.
November, and the green lush curtain of summer is suddenly swept aside
In its place, leaves, yellow, rust, and brown
twirl and rush to betray my privacy
Long antennaed brown seed bugs,
mistaken for brown marmorated stink bugs,
invade the house,
landing high up on walls and drapes
they cling tenaciously to their slow life
ready for that lethal blow,
that strong scent released at death
fighting, their last valiant effort
Autumn drops its veil upon us.
Wet, brownness all around
Sweaters must appear
scarves must protect
farewell bare feet.
Mid November and the sudden cold snap
bites me in the ass like a vicious dog
My crooked finger wails with pain
I curse those autumn lovers who
Knew this was coming
And nonetheless
hailed the harbinger
the brown, the orange, the gold,
the dead leaves of autumn
Poems from Tablecloth Nights, a Memoir
All Day the Urge
To shout it out
To the hilltops, to all ears
Even as bees buzz on the deck
Drone in harmony, seek refuge
As squares are stitched together
Side by side
Top to bottom
As groceries find their way into basket
Chicken beside rice
Beside green bananas
Ripening even as I have the urge
As second gear slips into third
As clutch moans softly
As Jessie dog trails tongue to the wind
Even as conscience reminds
Respect their wishes
The tradition of secrets
Even as I know that shame
Is all that stands between revelation and
Respect for privacy
Even as I know how secrets
Worm their way
Out of closets
Out of respect
All day the urge
To shout it out.
Comes a Time
those hurried school mornings
Looking down at my feet
ensconced in scuffed oxfords
navy blue, color of my life
his firm jaw working
above a starched white collar
“Take them off, they need a shine”
At the table he spreads a sheet of the
Journal American, completed puzzle face up
fishes out the small round can of Kiwi polish
from under the kitchen sink,
the shiny, scented rag, the worn brush
stained brown and black and blue
I wait in stocking feet
Meticulously he applies the paste,
rubs and rubs, brushes, and buffs
“Here” he says, his voice softened
My cold feet slip quickly into place
I feel the insides still warm from his hands.
Just a Sec
infinitesimal breath
blink of an eye
Timing, karma cavort in your life
not merry, but devious pranksters
life changes course
a fall
a step gone awry
a word not uttered
an uttered word rued
I Remember Stuff
Old office stuff,
White Out in small, clogged, messy bottles
adding machines bigger than a toaster
calculators with rows and rows of
tiny buttons
bearing numbers across and down
I remember two digit ‘postal zones’
Telephone numbers with two letters
followed by five numbers.
Computer monitors with black screens and green text blipping across
Giant monitors
space aliens requiring large desks.
I remember when cut and paste meant
razor blades and rubber-cement
when post-Its were new fangled
remote control were unknown words
siblings and spouses argued
about whose turn it was
to get up to change the channel
Rabbit ears covered in tin foil
balanced on top of the big box TV,
Everyone on TV was in black and white.
Newscasters didn’t editorialize
didn’t make light jokes
in between reporting on dire topics
their teeth weren’t perfect
The Wiz With the Sciz
so much more than a haircut
neuroses exchange
hip hop hipster
be-bop bipster
talk of the hood
banter spills out
fast, faster,
snip-snap snipster
clumps of bray hair
hit the black and white checkered floor
on the zebra striped bench
a quiet man listens
curlicues of dark hair
litter the chartreuse molding
“Stigs” says the Wiz
my grandfather
the greatest ballplayer on the planet
he lived in Kingston
people said he was shit.
My hair comes out in ghoulish tufts,
with a comb
or with my fingers.
It falls to my clothes, my collar, my back
I see it on the kitchen floor, it must be elsewhere too
I vacuum every day
I have a fondness for a lint roller
abundantly in the shower
I untangle it from my hands,
wipe the clumps on the shower wall
to remove when I am done
I cry in the shower
it seems the right place.
to admit my fear and terror
on the deck
the fifty degree temp is bracing
a strong breeze ripples off the pond
Spring teases the green out from the trees
I rake my hands through my hair
over and over and over
offer it to the breeze
it sails away
taking my memories with it.
I Left Home Without
my cell phone
but didn’t miss it
didn’t need it
the absence of its dull weight
freed me
to devote my attention
to the very large footed woman
in the cafe
and her cell phone
and her fascinating
pink sneakers
tongues painted blue with white clouds,
rainbow stripes circling the rubber soles
My eyes drawn to her phone
I watch with text envy
her thumbs wiggle madly,
displaying brilliant expertise
far beyond my own limited
middle finger jabbing technique
I rue the inability to train my thumbs
to perform swift acrobatic
sit-ups over the edges
of my phone
But in truth I envy
her pink sneakers more.
they taught us about
The Nuns
in their fresh scented white garments
primly we sat
garbed in eternal navy blue
what made sense
what we didn’t like
they thought we would recall
the lessons
years later when
back seat
with sweaty boys
took place
We didn’t.